Make a Payment


Enterprise is an online automatic payment option for CMU students. It is not a loan program, there is no interest or finance charges, and it does not require a credit check.

Enterprise is easy to use! Enroll through a student’s myCMU account.

  • Login to myCMU
  • Select "Billing and Payments" on the "Student" Tab
  • Select Sign Up for a Payment Plan

Payments are processed on the fifth of the month, if the fifth falls on a holiday or weekend, the payment will be processed on the following business day. All full and down payments are processed immediately!

A payment plan enrollment fee of $55 or $30 does apply, depending upon the number of payments. (3-6 payments - $55 fee; 1-2 payments - $30 fee). The enrollment fee is automatically deducted from the account within 14 days from the day the agreement is submitted. Some payment plan options require a down payment percentage depending upon payment plan enrollment date; please click here for a list of available payment plan options.

Payment Options

Determining how to pay for college can be a little overwhelming, but paying for your future can be more affordable than you think. There's an option just for you! We recognize that each family's financial situation is unique. That's why CMU offers a variety of payment and loan options to meet your needs.

CLAS (Fayette Campus)

Undergraduate – Fayette
  1. Payment Option 1: Payment in full by semester - due August 2 for Fall 2024 and by January 3 for Spring 2025.
  2. Payment Option 2: Enroll in a payment plan through Enterprise; Semester expenses can be split into as many as six payments depending on how early you enroll in your payment plan.
  3. Payment Option 3: Third party payer or Financial Assistance will cover all tuition, fees, room and board expenses.

For further details on payment options contact the Billing Office at 660-248-6685 or view payment plan options. Students should complete a contract of Financial Responsibility for each academic year. Please follow these instructions:

  • Login into your myCMU account
  • Select the student tab at the top
  • select billing and payments tab on the left
  • Fayette Campus Students: Contract of Financial Responsibility

Cash or Check Payments: Checks can be dropped off at the CMU Business Office (Brannock Hall, first floor) or mailed to: (Please include a student ID number on the check. Do not mail cash.

Central Methodist University
Business Office
411 Central Methodist Square
Fayette, MO 65248

Credit Cards: Tuition payments can be made by MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express through an Enterprise Payment Plan. Credit card payments are accepted and processed by our partner Nelnet Campus Commerce. A service fee of 2.85% is added to credit card payments. Credit cards are only accepted through Enterprise.

Outside Payment Policies

Third Party Billing: The Business Office must receive an authorization from your third party payer no later than the tuition due date for the semester. This authorization must contain the student name, CMU ID#, and allowable fees. Authorizations should be sent to:

Business Office
411 Central Methodist Square
Fayette, MO 65248
Fax: 660-248-3469

Once we receive the authorization from your third party payer, we will submit an invoice to them per their instructions. Any amount your third party payer does not pay is your responsibility.

Outside Scholarships will not be calculated into your student balance until CMU receives the payment from your sponsor. If an invoice is required, the Business Office must receive authorization from the organization or company in order to generate an invoice. Outside scholarships will automatically be split evenly between the fall and spring semesters, unless specifically stated or requested otherwise.

Undergraduate - CGES & Graduate Students

  1. Payment Option 1: Payment in full due by the first day of class
  2. Payment Option 2: Enroll in a payment plan through Enterprise; Semester expenses can be split into as many as six payments depending on how early you enroll in your payment plan.
  3. Payment Option 3: Third party payer, and/or Financial Assistance that will cover all tuition and fees.
    Note: you must submit a FAFSA, and sometimes other required documents, to determine Financial Assistance eligibility amounts. Financial Assistance eligibility amounts may or may not cover all tuition, fees, and course related expenses. Click Here to learn more about Financial Assistance options.

For further details on payment options contact the Business Office at 660-248-6670 or view payment plan options. Select the payment option that meets your need by filling out the Contract for Payment on your myCMU account. Please follow these instructions:

  • Login into your myCMU account
  • Select the student tab at the top
  • Select billing and payments tab on the left
  • Contract for Payment - Non-Fayette Campus

Cash or Check Payments: Checks can be dropped off at the CMU Business Office (Brannock Hall, first floor) or mailed to: (Please include a student ID number on the check.) Do not mail cash.

Central Methodist University
Business Office
411 Central Methodist Square
Fayette, MO 65248

Credit Cards: Tuition payments can be made by MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express through an Enterprise Payment Plan. Credit card payments are accepted and processed by our partner, Nelnet Campus Commerce. A service fee of 2.85% is added to credit card payments. Credit cards are only accepted through Enterprise.

Outside Payment Policies

Third Party Billing: The Business Office must receive an authorization from your third party payer. Authorizations should be sent to:

CGES Financial Services
411 Central Methodist Square
Fayette, MO 65248
Fax: 660-248-6288

Once we receive the authorization from your third party payer, we will submit an invoice to them per their instructions. Any amount your third party payer does not pay is your responsibility.